In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
Create a function to read text file, clean and convert to dataframe¶
In [2]:
def textToDF(txtfile):
stagelist = []
with open(txtfile, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.replace('\n', '')
stagelist = stagelist + [line]
df = pd.DataFrame({'Number': stagelist})
df[['Number','Character', "Line"]] = df['Number'].str.split('" "',expand=True)
df['Number'] = df['Number'].str[1:] # remove fist quotation
df['Number'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Number'], errors='coerce')
df['Line'] = df['Line'].str[:-1] # remove last quotation
def textToDF(txtfile):
stagelist = []
with open(txtfile, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.replace('\n', '')
stagelist = stagelist + [line]
df = pd.DataFrame({'Number': stagelist})
df[['Number','Character', "Line"]] = df['Number'].str.split('" "',expand=True)
df['Number'] = df['Number'].str[1:] # remove fist quotation
df['Number'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Number'], errors='coerce')
df['Line'] = df['Line'].str[:-1] # remove last quotation
Apply function to all three text files and peek at episode 4¶
In [4]:
episode4 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeIV.txt')
episode5 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeV.txt')
episode6 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeVI.txt')
episode4 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeIV.txt')
episode5 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeV.txt')
episode6 = textToDF('SW_EpisodeVI.txt')
Number | Character | Line | |
0 | 1 | THREEPIO | Did you hear that? They've shut down the main... |
1 | 2 | THREEPIO | We're doomed! |
2 | 3 | THREEPIO | There'll be no escape for the Princess this time. |
3 | 4 | THREEPIO | What's that? |
4 | 5 | THREEPIO | I should have known better than to trust the l... |
Visualize lines by episode¶
In [6]:
movies = ['Episode IV:\nReturn of the Jedi', 'Episode V:\nThe Empire Strikes Back', 'Episode VI:\nA New Hope']
line_counts = [episode4['Number'].count(), episode5['Number'].count(), episode6['Number'].count()]
ax = sns.barplot(x=movies, y=line_counts)
movies = ['Episode IV:\nReturn of the Jedi', 'Episode V:\nThe Empire Strikes Back', 'Episode VI:\nA New Hope']
line_counts = [episode4['Number'].count(), episode5['Number'].count(), episode6['Number'].count()]
ax = sns.barplot(x=movies, y=line_counts)
NLP Sentiment Analysis¶
Combine Dataframes, Group by Character¶
In [9]:
allDF = episode4.copy()
allDF = allDF.append(episode5, ignore_index=True).append(episode6, ignore_index=True)
allDF = allDF.groupby(('Character'))
allDF = allDF['Line'].unique().to_frame().reset_index()
allDF['Line'] = allDF['Line'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x))
allDF['Number of Lines'] = allDF['Line'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
allDF.sort_values('Number of Lines', ascending=False).head(10)
allDF = episode4.copy()
allDF = allDF.append(episode5, ignore_index=True).append(episode6, ignore_index=True)
allDF = allDF.groupby(('Character'))
allDF = allDF['Line'].unique().to_frame().reset_index()
allDF['Line'] = allDF['Line'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x))
allDF['Number of Lines'] = allDF['Line'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
allDF.sort_values('Number of Lines', ascending=False).head(10)
Character | Line | Number of Lines | |
61 | LUKE | Hurry up! Come with me! What are you waiting... | 23750 |
46 | HAN | Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falco... | 22987 |
111 | THREEPIO | Did you hear that? They've shut down the main... | 19922 |
8 | BEN | Hello there! Come here my little friend. Don... | 9963 |
59 | LEIA | Lord Vader, I should have known. Only you cou... | 9587 |
116 | VADER | Where are those transmissions you intercepted?... | 8371 |
58 | LANDO | Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swind... | 5669 |
127 | YODA | Hmmm. Much anger in him, like his father. Hah.... | 4352 |
32 | EMPEROR | There is a great disturbance in the Force. We ... | 3573 |
11 | BIGGS | Just now. I wanted to surprise you, hot shot.... | 2814 |
Create Bag of Words for Luke and transpose¶
In [12]:
vec = CountVectorizer()
luke = allDF.loc[allDF['Character'] == 'LUKE']
doc = luke['Line'].to_list()
X = vec.fit_transform(doc)
luke = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())
luke = luke.T.reset_index()
luke.columns = ['word', 'count']
vec = CountVectorizer()
luke = allDF.loc[allDF['Character'] == 'LUKE']
doc = luke['Line'].to_list()
X = vec.fit_transform(doc)
luke = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())
luke = luke.T.reset_index()
luke.columns = ['word', 'count']
word | count | |
0 | 38 | 1 |
1 | aaargh | 1 |
2 | about | 15 |
3 | above | 2 |
4 | academy | 3 |
5 | accelerator | 1 |
6 | accepted | 1 |
7 | across | 1 |
8 | action | 1 |
9 | actions | 1 |
Use SentimentIntensity to get Sentiment for each word¶
In [14]:
sent = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
sentiments = []
for word in luke['word']:
if sent.polarity_scores(word)['compound'] >= 0.5:
sentiments = sentiments + ['positive']
elif sent.polarity_scores(word)['compound'] <= -0.5:
sentiments = sentiments + ['negative']
sentiments = sentiments + ['neutral']
luke['sentiments'] = sentiments
sent = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
sentiments = []
for word in luke['word']:
if sent.polarity_scores(word)['compound'] >= 0.5:
sentiments = sentiments + ['positive']
elif sent.polarity_scores(word)['compound'] <= -0.5:
sentiments = sentiments + ['negative']
sentiments = sentiments + ['neutral']
luke['sentiments'] = sentiments
word | count | sentiments | |
0 | 38 | 1 | neutral |
1 | aaargh | 1 | neutral |
2 | about | 15 | neutral |
3 | above | 2 | neutral |
4 | academy | 3 | neutral |
5 | accelerator | 1 | neutral |
6 | accepted | 1 | neutral |
7 | across | 1 | neutral |
8 | action | 1 | neutral |
9 | actions | 1 | neutral |
See Counts of Sentiments for Luke¶
In [15]:
luke.groupby('sentiments')['count'].agg(['sum', 'count'])
luke.groupby('sentiments')['count'].agg(['sum', 'count'])
sum | count | |
sentiments | ||
negative | 43 | 20 |
neutral | 4191 | 833 |
positive | 36 | 14 |