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Hi I'm Eric!

Husband - Father - Data Guy

Hello there! My name is Eric and thanks for checking out my site 😄. I am mainly a husband and father, but I also like to keep up with anything MCU-related. Oh, and I also like working with data. I'm a Machine Learning Engineer at GitHub, but I also dabble in some data-related freelancing and consulting!

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flowchart LR id1((Data Analysis)) --- id2((Data Visualization)) --- id3((Machine Learning))

Some Projects

Pokemon Battle Prediction

Used Kaggle Dataset to build a model that predicts the winner between two pokemon. Utilized basic pre processing techniques, encoding, correlation analysis, feature selection and classification model comparison. After model comparison, implemented a model using Random Forest Classification.

Tech: Python, Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, Pandas

Star Wars NLP Analysis

Used Star Wars scripts from the Orignial Trilogy to perform natural language processing and sentiment analysis. Utilized Bag of Words and Sentiment Intensity approach to classify Luke Skywalker lines as positive, neutral or negative.

Tech: Python, Pandas, Sklearn.feature_extraction, NLTK

NBA Player of the Week Analysis

Used Kaggle Dataset to do some exploratory data analysis on the player of the week award in the NBA. Performed generic data cleansing and data manipulation tasks prior to analyzing data. Utilized dplyr for data manipulation, ggplot2 for data visualization and sqldf to showcase data manipulation skills using sql syntax.

Tech: R, Dplyr, Ggplot2, Sql (via sqldf)